

印尼消防人員和同僚聯繫,討論如何處理泥炭地火災。 美聯社
印尼消防人員和同僚聯繫,討論如何處理泥炭地火災。 美聯社
a keeper of carbon is at risk

kristyn housman grabbed the end of a sampling auger, a steel tube that two colleagues had just drilled into a moss-covered hummock in a peat bog, and poked through a damp, fibrous plug of partly decomposed peat.

peat has been building up for centuries in this bog, where the spongy moss is interspersed with black spruces and, on a late spring morning, the air is teeming with mosquitoes. the sample, taken from 3 feet down, is at least several hundred years old, said housman, a graduate researcher at mcmaster university in hamilton, ontario.



“there’s literally tons of carbon here,” she said, looking around the bog, which covers several acres off a muddy oil-company road amid the vast flatness of northern alberta.

in discussions of how nature regulates carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, forests receive most of the attention for their ability to absorb and store carbon. but peatlands play an important role, too.



there are an estimated 1.6 million square miles of peatlands, or about 3 percent of the earth’s land surface, mostly in northern latitudes in canada, alaska, europe and russia.

peat is made up of sphagnum and other mosses, which hold a large amount of water and contain compounds that inhibit decomposition. the peat slowly builds up over centuries because the annual growth exceeds the decay.



a relatively small amount of peat is mined to burn as fuel, to improve backyard gardens or to add smokiness to scotch. but most of it stays where it is, and because it accumulates carbon over such a long time, it contains more carbon than is in all the world’s trees and plants, and nearly as much as the atmosphere does.

like forests, peatlands are threatened by climate change. warming temperatures can dry out bogs, making them more susceptible to fires, and to deeper, more intense burning. a peat fire, which can smolder like a cigarette for months, can release a lot of carbon.



“it’s carbon that has accumulated over several thousands of years,” said mike waddington, a mcmaster professor who has been researching peat in alberta and elsewhere for more than two decades. “if it were to be released, the global co2 concentration would be much higher.”

the world has already had vast releases of carbon from peat, in indonesia. last year, bogs that had been drained for agriculture, and were drier because of el nino-related warmth, burned for months, creating a haze visible from space and causing widespread health problems.



(文/henry fountain 譯/李京倫)


plug通常是插頭或塞子,本文中的plug容易誤解為園藝術語peat plug「泥炭育苗塊」,但育苗塊不會有幾百年歷史,所以在本文中應解作「從較大的物品切下的圓柱或圓錐狀小塊,通常作為樣本」。

teem是指雨「傾瀉」,teem with則是「充滿許多」(人或動物),例如:the camps teem with about 135,000 refugees.(難民營內擠了大概13萬5000個難民。)

literally是「照字面地」,translate literally就是「照字面直譯」,本文的literally為非正式用法「確實地、不誇張地」,例如:this orangutan is literally using a carrot and stick to teach its baby. (這隻猩猩真的是用胡蘿蔔和棍棒教導自己的小孩。)




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