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Writing Test Question Sheet
從前的人出遠門既不方便又危險翻譯每每要花好幾天或乃至幾個月的時候才能抵達目標地翻譯另外,在旅途中也很輕易産生不測。 Part II: Guided Writing (60%) The bar graph below shows the number of traffic accidents which occurred on a particular day in Translate the following Chinese passage into an English passage. Write your answer on the Writing Test Answer Sheet. 1. Summarize the information shown in the graph below. 2. Discuss some possible reasons for the different numbers of accidents. 3. Suggest some ways in which the number of accidents might be reduced. Part I: Chinese-English Translation (40%) This test has two parts: Chinese-English Translation and Essay Writing. GEPT—High-Intermediate Level Write an essay of 150-180 words in an appropriate style based on the following charts. Write your answer on the Writing Test Answer Sheet.